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Suppressing the false magnetic field in beam-splitting Faraday rotation measurement

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In laser–plasma experiments, the beam-splitting Faraday rotation measurement is usually used for mapping the magnetic field. Due to the geometric characteristics of the beam-splitting configuration, the split beams are not always incident normally on the image plane, and their spots have different shapes and intensity distributions. Ignoring these issues will inevitably introduce errors in polarization calculation and then generate large false magnetic fields. We introduced the restoration method to recover the spots and suppress the false magnetic field. We applied this method to ZEMAX simulation data and Shenguang-II experimental data. Compared to the method of directly overlaying the spots, it can reduce the average false magnetic field by about 50%. And the false magnetic field at the edge of the spot is reduced by one order of magnitude. We can highly improve the accuracy of the magnetic field measurement with the Faraday rotation method.

© 2023 Optica Publishing Group

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